Love, Joy, Peace...
Preschool News
Preschool Registration
Preschool registration has begun for the 2024-2025 school year. Please call at 252-447-9328 to schedule a tour to get registered.
At FMP, we believe service is important to developing us as a servant for Christ. We participate in 3 missions throughout the school year.
1. Food Pantry: Our friends help to provide non-perishable items to the pantry.
2. Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Ministry: Provide items to send to children in various countries.
3. St. Jude's Trike a Thon: Raise funds for the treatment of childhood illness.
Our Mission
Our mission is to spread the love of Jesus Christ to the city of Havelock and beyond. First Methodist Church of Havelock supports local and global missions such as the Food Pantry, Back Pack Blessings, and more.
First Methodist Church of Havelock
324 Miller Blvd.
Havelock, NC 28532
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