Love, Joy, Peace...
Preschool Programs
All classes meet from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon.
Beginner's Program (18 months - 2 years)
Two-day (T & TH), three-day (MWF), and five-day options are offered. The child must be 18 months by August 31st.
Intermediate Program (3 years - 4 years)
Three-day (MWF) and five-day options are offered. The child must be three years old by August 31st. The child must be potty trained.
Pre-Kindergarten Program (4 years - 5 years)
Three-day (MWF) and five-day options are available, and enrollments are being accepted for those interested. The child must be four years old by August 31st. The child must be potty trained.
Early Risers (all ages)
Early Risers is a special service allowing parents to bring their children at 8:00 am. This program is available for children over 18 months. The cost is $5.00 per morning per child for anyone who drops off a student before 8:25 am.
Our Mission
Our mission is to spread the love of Jesus Christ to the city of Havelock and beyond. First Methodist Church of Havelock supports local and global missions such as the Food Pantry, Back Pack Blessings, and more.
First Methodist Church of Havelock
324 Miller Blvd.
Havelock, NC 28532
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